Appeal to your representative Senators!

Toxic chemicals surround us. We envelope ourselves and our children in toxic perfumed laundry detergents; we smear our bodies and hair with untested creams, gels and shampoos. We further damage our health with pesticides used in lawn and garden care, and in agriculture. It is time for legislation to replace the never adequate and very outdated Toxics Substances Control Act. To view each entry, just click on the title or link(s) within each entry.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Why to Avoid Using Weed and Feed on Lawns

This timely reminder is probably the most concise and thorough statement on why NOT to use weed and feed and other synthetic chemicals on our lawns and in our gardens. This statement is perfect for posting anywhere and everywhere. It is necessary, sadly, because many people still trust that because something is in the marketplace, it is safe.

I am sorry that I cannot print the message up because this is a pdf. However, here is the link which says it all. has a very complete website for safe lawn care. Beyond Pesticides is icing on the cake for learning the whys and hows of organic lawn care.

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